
About the Decision

God has blessed us with amazing opportunities and resources! With those blessings comes a demand for more space so that we may better fulfill our mission. Through his Grace and provision, we have outgrown some of our spaces. Therefore, this decision to add to our current structure will help bring even more opportunities to the ministry, passion and vision of our church. There are even greater things in store!

Moving Forward

About 20 years ago, we looked at a much smaller congregation and came to the decision to build our current structure located at 800 New Salem Road in Uniontown, PA. We had about half of what we needed but not nearly enough. All we had was the faith that God was leading us somewhere where we could better raise the body and reach the broken.

We asked the congregation to make commitments on either a weekly, monthly, or yearly amount that would be given toward the loan payment. That group of 120 people came through and with the help of God we were able to pay off that 15 years loan in 7.5 years. God has blessed us and instead of 120, we are looking at a congregation of 225.

We look to what we have and realize that God is leading us to improve out ability to raise and reach. With that in mind and with incredible faith in God to provide, we will be asking for all of us to make a commitment either weekly, monthly, or yearly to go toward the loan. Just like we did before, we are putting half down and planning on taking a loan for the other.

We believe God has more in store for us. We believe that adding on will give us a better opportunity to raise and reach. We believe that greater blessings are yet to come.

Partnering With the Project

We will update this section in the weeks to come to give you an opportunity to partner in this building expansion project. We will be asking for both prayer and financial pledges.

Witnessing the Impact

At an upcoming ceremony, we want to give our congregation an opportunity to share how this church and its ministries have impacted their journey with Jesus. If you are interested in sharing, please fill out the form below. Your comments can be three words to three paragraphs. By filling out the form, there will be NO obligation to share during the ceremony.