
Purchasing Instructions

Thank you for your service to God’s kingdom. We understand that your efforts are making an eternal impact on those that these purchases benefit – whether directly or indirectly. Furthermore, we thank you for helping us keep accountability and transparency in our record keeping and stewardship in our resources. Here are some guidelines for purchases:

Before making a purchase, please follow the board’s policies for purchases. They have set budgets, purchase scopes and limits. The Financial Operations Team will not reimburse purchases that are outside the board’s policies. Purchases that need prior board approval are:

  • Purchases over $250.00 per transaction.
  • Purchases that total $500.00 or more per month per event, project, team, etc.

Purchases Via Personal Fund: Purchases made with a personal fund that are outside the board’s policies will not be reimbursed until the board approves. These pertain to purchases expensed to the general fund and ministries fund.

Purchases Via Church Fund: Purchases made with a church fund that are outside the board’s policies will initiate a one-year restriction to the purchaser. These pertain to purchases expensed to the general fund and ministries fund. To make a purchasing using a church fund, you may choose either option:

  • Option 1 > Send Link. Send links of store/product that needs to be purchased to office@fccnewsalem.com.
  • Option 2 > Credit Card. The credit card and receipt(s) should be returned within 7 days of it being signed out. If receipts are not turned in with the credit card, then a purchaser cannot checkout the card again until they turn in past (overdue) receipts.

Submit all receipts with an invoice attachment sheet. You can either place in the drop box in the lobby, hand directly to the purchasing leader, or submit at fccnewsalem.com/finance. All invoice attachment sheets must have signatures by year end.

Purchase Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.