
Ways to Give

Offering Box. Giving Terminal. Mail-In.

To give in person, please secure your donation in the offering box on the table as you enter the sanctuary. To mail in your offering, please send a check or money order with ATTN: OFFERING to “First Christian Church of New Salem 800 New Salem Road Uniontown, PA 15401”. If you are tracking your giving, please provide your offering ID on the envelope or giving envelope (contact the office if you need/forgot an offering ID). If you have provided your offering ID and would like a year-end giving report, please click the “REQUEST REPORT” link below.

Link (Click Below).

To give online, click the “GIVE ONLINE” link below. This will launch a pop-up. Once there, please choose your donation destination (General Fund, Future Development Fund, Deacons Fund, FISH Fund, Mission Fund, Student Fund) and the amount you would like to give. You will also have the option to setup recurring giving. All major credit cards are accepted.

Church Center App.

To give through the app, download the Church Center app from your app store and search for the “First Christian Church of New Salem”. Once you setup your account you can choose your payment method: Credit/Debit (One-Time or Recurring); Bank Account (One-Time or Recurring).

Text 84321

To give through a text, text any amount to 84321 (press and hold the “SEND TEXT” link below). You will be provided a link to setup text giving. After setup, you can simply text the amount you want to give to 84321. To make changes or see your past giving, download the Church Center app (see above).

Why Should I Give?

It is important to give, but why? Where we put our money is an indication of where our heart is also. God wants our hearts because he knows what is best for them. He does not necessarily need our money, He simply longs for His children to depend on Him instead of earthly things such as money. Giving in an effort to attempt to show where your heart is should not be the first step, instead you should commit your life to Christ once you realize that you are in need of a Savior. Acts 20:35; 2 Corinthians 9:6

Where Does the Money Go?

The money will be applied through the consideration of our mission within our community. In order to do the work that the Lord has set before us, finances are essential. However, while money is essential to forward God’s kingdom on earth, we solely depend on God’s unlimited resources to accomplish His goals. He provides us with everything we need.

Paying It Forward

Through FCC New Salem’s Outreach and Missions Teams, we work in partnership with non-profit organizations locally, nationally, and globally to feed the hungry, fight homelessness, empower children and families, respond to the needs of people in crisis, rescue victims of injustice, and lead a generation into a greater life of generosity and service. When you give to FCC New Salem Church, 20% of your giving goes directly to support our partnerships.

Our Partnerships

Camp Christian

Sight of Hope

Missionaries to Sight of Hope

Alicia and Ciniso Mkhombe 

Missionaries to Sight of Hope

Adeline and Dipa Tshilumba

Mid India

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders

Johnson University

Mountain Mission School

International Disaster & Emergency Services

TCM International Institute

Operation Christmas Child