
Session 1

The Struggle Is Real

  • Watch the video and read chapters 1 & 2 from Live No Lies then answer the following questions (if you are involved in a study that meets together, please wait to answer the following questions).
  • Do you consider yourself more of a peacemaker or someone who doesn’t mind jumping into the fray at home or at work? How do you typically respond?

  • Read Ephesians 6:10-18. What image or description stands out to you in this passage? Why do you think it resonates with you so much right now?

  • Followers of Jesus are at war with the world, and the flesh, and the devil. These three enemies use deceptive ideas (the devil), that play to disordered desires (the flesh), that are normalized in a sinful society (the world).
  • What stands out in the video teaching that seems especially true right now in your life? How do you see this truth manifesting itself in your present circumstances?

  • What do you struggle to accept or outright reject in the teaching you just watched? Why? What prevents you from agreeing with this point?

  • How do you feel about being a spiritual warrior who is up against these three enemies of your soul–the devil, the flesh, the world? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “very skeptical” and 10 being “very certain,” what score reflects your level of certainty about the existence of these enemies in your life today?

  • In our world today as you see it, what are some specific struggles that result from the attacks of the devil? From the flesh? From the world?

  • Which of these three enemies troubles you the most right now? When and where do you struggle the most to follow Jesus, love others, and maintain faith in God?

  • When have you experienced a spiritual attack that you recognized as an enemy assault? How did you handle that situation at the time? What did you learn from it?

Session 2

The Truth About Lies

  • Watch the video and read chapters 3 & 4 from Live No Lies then answer the following questions (if you are involved in a study that meets together, please wait to answer the following questions).
  • What are some of the ways that the devil is characterized in our world today? How do people tend to downplay and dismiss his influence?
  • How do you discern between what is true and what is false? What criteria do you use to make your decision?

  • Read John 8:42-47. Jesus was speaking to the Jewish religious leaders of his day. Why do you suppose they refused to accept him as God’s Son, the Messiah? What is the logic informing Jesus’ condemnation of these leaders? What surprises you most in what Jesus has to say to them?

  • How often – daily, weekly, occasionally, rarely – do you have unwanted, negative, harmful thoughts pop up in your mind? How do you usually handle them?

  • How does Jesus’ regard for the devil and his lies influence the way you consider him as your enemy? How does it change the way you see the devil and his attacks on you?

  • How does Jesus’ warning about the enemy and his purpose – to steal, kill, destroy – make you feel? Afraid? Angry? Concerned? Relieved? Something else? Explain.

  • Do you agree that your primary war with the devil requires you to believe truth over lies? How do you know what is true as you fight this spiritual battle?

  • How have the enemy’s lies, perhaps during your childhood and upbringing, negatively followed you into adulthood? What lies about yourself do you struggle to dispel?

  • How has your faith in God influenced your ability to recognize the enemy’s lies? What are some changes you have made in order to live in truth rather than lies?

Session 3

The Slavery of Freedom

  • Watch the video and read chapters 5 & 6 from Live No Lies then answer the following questions (if you are involved in a study that meets together, please wait to answer the following questions).
  • What indulgence, splurge, or guilty pleasure often causes you to give in to temptation? Mindless television? Impulse snack purchases? Something else?

  • What is one regular habit or personal discipline you maintain no matter what? Exercising every day? Flossing and brushing? Unplugging before bed?

  • Read Ephesians 2:1-10. What comes to mind when you consider “the cravings of our flesh”? How does Paul describe your condition when you were ruled by the flesh? Based on this passage, what is the reason that you are able to overcome the enemy of the flesh? What does Paul say is your condition now?

  • On a daily basis, how aware are you of the competing desires within yourself? Can you share a recent example, keeping it appropriate for your group setting?

  • How would you define or describe the biblical concept of “the flesh” that Paul and other New Testament writers identified within the human heart?

  • Do you agree that all people have deeper and truer longings than the ones front-and-center in their consciousness? Why or why not?

  • How does getting in touch with your longing to know God and follow Jesus help you to overcome temptations of the flesh? How do you handle your emotions when you’re being tempted by something your flesh really wants?

  • What are some examples from popular culture you’ve seen that encourage you to do whatever makes you happy? How do you typically deal with these messages?

  • How has cultivating your spiritual life helped you to change destructive habits and selfish desires? Again, can you share an example that’s appropriate for your group?

Session 4

The Reality About Normality

  • Watch the video and read chapters 7 & 8 from Live No Lies then answer the following questions (if you are involved in a study that meets together, please wait to answer the following questions).
  • What’s something you do that you consider “normal,” such as a habit or behavior, that others have informed you is rather unique and not normal at all?

  • Read John 17:13-19. Why do you think Jesus prayed this prayer the night before his death on the cross? What does the timing tell you about what he considered urgent to bring before his heavenly Father? How do you believe the truth of Christ protects you from the lies of this world? When have you experienced this kind of protection?

  • How would you define “the world” as an enemy of your soul? How does the world work with the devil and the flesh to steal your peace and undermine your wholeness?

  • What are some ways you have set yourself apart from the world in your lifestyle choices? How do these methods keep you anchored in truth and aware of the world’s lies?

  • What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world? How would you describe this distinctive to someone who is new to faith in Christ?

  • What are some examples of ways the world and its customs, beliefs, and values have shifted in your lifetime? What has surprised you the most in what you have witnessed? What continues to trouble you?

  • How do you find yourself subtly conforming to the lies of the world? How do you combat these lies and temptations?

  • What is the role of the church in helping its members to overcome the lies of the world? How has this small group served that purpose during these four sessions?

  • If you are going through this study on your own, finish this session by reading chapters 9 & 10 from Live No Lies. If you are in a group, read these chapter before the final meeting.