Sermon On the Mount
Date Aired: January 5, 12, 19; Feb 2, 9, 16, 23
This series will encourage the Christian to go beyond the superficial and search deep into their heart to see themselves as Christ sees them. We will be challenged to understand that God was seeking internal righteousness from them, not just external acts. It is God working in us that makes a difference.
Your Future Awaits
Date Aired: January 26
The people were moved to give above and beyond what was expected. How does this happen? God had such an impact on their and their giving reflected that blessing.
The Tables Have Turned
Date Aired: December 29
Are you going to live by the traditions of men or the truth of God? It may be time for the tables to turn.
Renewing Our Wonder
Date Aired: December 22
The incarnation shows God dwelling with and loving a broken humanity, and the importance of being with others even in their brokenness. Because of Jesus, we will be a people who are present and dwelling with the broken world around us.
Seasons & Reasons
Dates Aired: December 1, 8, 15
Jesus is certainly the reason for the season. But not just this season, for every season of our lives. Whether we find ourselves in a season of struggle or heartache, triumph or peace – there’s a reason, and Jesus is the reason. In the series, we are going to try to make sense of the reasons for the seasons that we find ourselves in.
Be Thankful
Dates Aired: November 17, 24
Thanksgiving is a time of reflecting on what one has and giving thanks. Yet sometimes our habit is to compare ourselves with others and become fixated on what we don’t have. Jesus calls his followers to a radical commitment to satisfaction and contentment with what we have. It is in Him that we learn to be thankful.
Ordinary People; Extraordinary God
Dates Aired: October 6, 13, 20, 27; November 3, 10
This series highlights the extraordinary ways God works through ordinary people. By the end, you’ll be convinced that God can use anyone, regardless of their circumstances, to accomplish His divine plan.
Dates Aired: September 8, 15, 22, 29
Many of us are still bound to the past, bound to a thought, or bound by a weakness. But because of Jesus, we no longer have to live in that hopelessness. It’s time to experience a breakout: a sudden emergence out of the grave, darkness and emptiness that hold us back.
In My Eyes: The Book of Judges
Dates Aired: August 11, 18, 25; September 1
This series examines the downward spiral of God’s people in the book of Judges. The book centers around people having a relativism that caused them to do whatever they wanted to do. Through understanding the context, theology, and relevance to our own idolatries, we can see that the only hero in Judges is a loving God who will redeem his wayward people.
Stuck: Life In Transition
Dates Aired: July 7, 14, 21, 28; August 4
This series explores characters from the Bible who experienced seasons of transition – the “in-between” trials of life. Job, Daniel, Abraham, Paul and the disciples all experienced times of frustration, pain, suffering, and difficult questions. We too experience these seasons of transition – seasons where we feel like we’re stuck in “the middle” – and it’s vital that we rely on God even when you struggle.
The Fight
Dates Aired: June 9, 16, 23, 30
Life is full of moments we wish would last forever – and then, full of situations we wouldn’t wish on anyone. Sometimes life can feel like a fight. A fight to remain faithful, a fight to keep peace, a fight to keep your head above the water. In this series, we are getting our gloves on and learning how to fight. We will discover that our journey is not only worth fighting for, but also, it is by grace that comes through faith that equips us for the fight.
Community Life
Dates Aired: May 5, 12, 19, 26; June 2
This series explores the idea of community life in the church. Through understanding the importance of community, the unity of Christians in Christ, the ethic of community, and the reflection of Jesus to the world, we can see the power and importance of being with other believers in our daily lives.
Dates Aired: April 14, 21, 28
Even by his own friends and students, Jesus was often misunderstood. Many thought he was leading a political overthrow while others saw him as a complete liar. However, Christ and His victory over eternal death changed everything – including our identity as His child. In this series, we will find out who Christ is and who He is not, who we are and who we are not.
To the Streets
Date Aired: April 7
When Jesus rose from the dead, he gathered the disciples and gave them a mission to go into the world and be his witnesses. This one-week message shows the disciples taking the message of Jesus’s resurrection into their community.
Easter Sunday
Date Aired: March 31
Jesus is the source of resurrection and life. His miracle of resurrecting Lazarus shows Christ’s glory and compassion, points to his own resurrection to come, and offers us an invitation to trust in him. Because God is a God who raises people from the dead, we have hope – not just for our eternal state with God but hope now, in the abundant life God gives. Do you have a secure hope that is unwavering, no matter your circumstances?
Palm Sunday
Date Aired: March 24
Palm Sunday is a day we all celebrate with shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David!” The people expected Jesus to become king and lead a revolution against the Romans. This message walks through that incredible day and discovers that Jesus had come to redefine those expectations so they could finally learn what the Messiah had come to accomplish.
Turn: The Heart of Repentance
Dates Aired: March 3, 10, 17
This series explores the idea of repentance by considering moments of genuine sorrow and repentance in the Bible. We will be challenged to look for the fruits of true repentance in our own lives.
Dates Aired: February 11, 18, 25
Whether it’s the blue screen or rainbow wheel of death, it’s challenging when technology doesn’t work the way it is intended. Sometimes a reboot is what we need to get things back on track before our frustrations get the best of us. Our lives aren’t much different. All of us need a reboot at times. We need to have God restore us to the way He intended, so that we can be who He wants us to be, and do what He has for us to do. During this series, we will see what it takes to reboot our lives in Christ.
Dates Aired: January 7, 14, 21, 28; February 4
This series challenges us to rethink how we approach New Year’s resolutions or goals. Is the most important thing to lose weight or gain financial independence, or should we pursue growing in Christlikeness? Join us in a journey to becoming more like Jesus.
What’s New?
Date Aired: December 31
How do you keep your faith when it seems like nothing is happening? How do you keep believing when the process is invisible? How do you keep motivated when you see nothing new? Discover how God will often allow you to encounter an impossible situation in order to prove His presence in your life.
The Line
Dates Aired: December 17, 24 (10AM), 24 (7PM)
This three-part Christmas series examines how Christ’s birth changed the entire course of history. We even separate history according to Jesus’ birth (B.C. to A.D.)! Jesus changed the world by entering history as the God-man, and He can change our lives as well.
Positioned For the Promise
Date Aired: December 10
The book of Exodus gives us incredible insight into God’s promises. He promises to protect you along the way, position you where you need to be, and prepare you for what is to come. But we can waste His promises if we aren’t willing to walk in them.
Knock, Knock
Date Aired: December 3
Obedience comes before freedom. What’s the last thing God told you to do? Learn to focus on doing that next step, and keep knocking. Be ready to respond to opposition like it’s an opportunity and discover that the only reason that God allowed the trial was to free you from what was holding you captive.
Kingdom (Un)seen
Date Aired: November 26
If you feel insignificant or invisible, unappreciated or undervalued, it’s important that you know – your Father sees you. And even though the world only celebrates what is seen, God knows the significance of what is unseen within you. This unseen kingdom operates upside-down from what we know.
Thanksgiving: Celebrating Our Many Blessings
Dates Aired: November 5, 12, 19
This series addresses how we can develop the practice of gratitude and thanksgiving to God, which in turn leads to a life of generosity. Thankfulness is not an occasional act but a lifestyle of intentional and spontaneous appreciation that leads us into the presence of God, empowers us to be grateful in all circumstances, and generates an overflow of generosity.
From Death to Life
Dates Aired: October 8, 15, 22, 29
While salvation happens in a moment, the work of our Master is never-ending. He’s molding us, shaping us, moving us from here to there, from poor to rich, from flawed to fulfilled, from death to life. In this series we will journey with our Redeemer through the process of his work to better understand his sovereignty over it all.
Rooted: Back to Church
Dates Aired: September 10, 17, 24; October 1
The Church is the Body of Christ in this world. We are given the privilege of being a part of Christ’s work. But so many have slowly fallen away or have never been asked to come. Let this series help you be rooted in the Kingdom and be called back to the church.
Everyday Disciple
Dates Aired: August 6, 13, 20, 27; September 3
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus, and why does it matter? How are we to live out being followers of Jesus in our daily life? This five-week series looks at the important concept of discipleship and applies it to our work, neighborhood, social media, and so much more.
Expecting and Exceeding
Date Aired: July 30
What if God didn’t meet your expectations because He wants to exceed them?
Packing and Providing
Date Aired: July 23
It’s easy to feel like we don’t have enough and even easier to feel like we aren’t enough. But perhaps our perspective is off? Learn why God’s ability to provide never has to be questioned.
Straying and Shepherding
Date Aired: July 16
The good news is that the Good Shepherd has come and no matter how far you’ve gone astray, God is still desperately watching over you.
Digging and Delivering
Date Aired: July 9
Trusting God is one thing, trusting him through a difficult season is another. Together, we can learn to plant seeds of faith in the dry seasons of our lives until God brings the rain.
Bending and Breaking
Date Aired: July 1
While the chain of events isn’t always your choice, your next decision still is. Our future isn’t defined by what happens to us, but is influenced by our choices instead.
A Journey of Faith
Dates Aired: April 16, 23; May 7, 14, 21, 28; June 4, 11
This eight-week series charts a course through the book of Hebrews, describing the supremacy of Christ as God’s revelation, high priest, sacrifice, and giver of faith. Rather than looking to other things, people, or feelings to bring us meaning and redemption, we must look to Jesus.
God Is Up to Something
Date Aired: April 30
Trust God with what’s ahead. In this week’s message, we are reminded that wherever we have a problem, God already has a plan.
Dates Aired: March 5, 12, 19, 26
The Kingdom
Dates Aired: February 5, 12, 29, 26
The term “kingdom of God” is often heard in church, yet many Christians would probably admit to a lack of understanding about what it is, how it functions, and what their role is in it. Over the next four weeks, this series will speak to those questions and more.
It’s Time to Launch
Dates Aired: January 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
The New Year is upon us. What God has in store for us is amazing. Let’s not linger in the past but launch into a new life with Christ. This five-week series starts off the new year by looking at the important elements of a successful journey and then applies that to our walk with Christ. It’s time to launch!