
Session 1

The Table Before Us

  • Read chapters 1 & 2 from Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.
  • According to Psalm 23, what are the attributes of your Good Shepherd? What does He promise to provide? How have you seen these traits in the way that Jesus leads you?
  • How do you feel about being compared to sheep in this psalm (see also Matthew 18:12–14; Luke 15:4–7; 1 Peter 2:25)? In what ways does this comparison ring true based on your life experience? In what ways do you struggle to accept this comparison?
  • What are some of the “bad” shepherds in your life? Why is it often so tempting to follow after them? In what ways are you tempted to be your own shepherd?
  • David didn’t always get what he wanted every day of his life. But he never lacked what he needed any day of his life. How would you define the difference between the two?
  • How does your Good Shepherd make you lie down in green pastures? What does this look like in your life? Are you allowing Him to lead you in this area?
  • What comes to mind when you imagine the Good Shepherd preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies? What does your “battlefield” look like at the moment? Why is it important that your enemies are present but not invited to sit at your table?

Session 2

The Tactics of the Enemy

  • Read chapters 3 & 4 from Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.
  • What are some ways you have experienced the enemy inviting himself to sit at your table? What are some of the lies he has tried to plant in your thinking to undermine your faith, joy, and peace?
  • How often do you compare yourself or aspects of your life to that of other people? Are there things you tend to compare more than others? What is the cumulative impact of thinking the “grass is always greener on the other side”?
  • When have you felt powerless in trying to make certain changes in your life? How has the enemy used your attempts and failures to get in your head and make you feel you will never change? How does such negativity affect your identity and self-worth?
  • What are some areas in your life where you feel that you are not good enough or don’t measure up to expectations? How do these represent lies from the enemy?
  • Can you think of a time in your life when it seemed like people were against you? Did this prove to be the reality of the situation? What did you learn as a result?
  • Which of the enemy’s tactics tends to trip you the most? Knowing that you know this may be a particular area of vulnerability for you, how can you better prepare and defend yourself against the devil’s relentless assault?

Session 3

The Battle for Our Mind

  • Read chapters 5 & 6 from Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.
  • Why is it so critical to win the battle over your thoughts? How do you respond to the idea that regardless of what has happened in your past, you have the ability to make “halftime adjustments” that will help you secure the victory?
  • When a thought enters your mind, you first have to identify that thought to see if it is coming from the enemy or from God. How successful have you been when it comes to identifying those thoughts that are from the enemy?
  • What strategies did Satan use against Adam and Eve to convince them to sin? How does he use those same tactics today to exploit any “cracks” that he can find?
  • When you identify a thought that is from the enemy, how do you bind it in Jesus’ name? What does this look like in actual practice in your life?
  • What strategies did Jesus employ to fight against the enemy in the wilderness? What does this reveal about the importance of knowing God’s Word?
  • What strategies have you found to be effective when it comes to living out the truth of God’s Word? How has this helped you to win the battle for your mind?



Session 4

The Path to Victory

  • Read chapters 7 from Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.
  • “For as [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). What is the connection between your thoughts and your actions? How have you seen the truth of this verse play out in your life or the life of someone close to you?
  • Share a time in your life that you realized you had to make drastic changes to pursue the plans that God had for you. What factors caused you to come to this realization?
  • “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). What does it mean to fight the enemy from a place of victory? How does this change your mindset regarding the spiritual battles you face?
  • God had promised to give the land of Canaan to the Israelites. However, when Moses sent twelve men to explore the land, ten came back with this report: “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them” (Numbers 13:33). What conclusions were they making about their situation that was not correct?
  • Think about how your life has changed since you accepted Jesus as your Good Shepherd. What are some ways that you are now “joined” with Christ in His death and resurrection?
  • What are some of the daily rhythms you have developed to remind yourself that your story is one of victory? What Bible verse or passage of Scripture do you rely on the most often to remind yourself of God’s truth in the face of the devil’s deceptions?

Session 5

God’s Invitation Always Stands

  • Read chapters 8 from Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.
  • God has given us the victory over the enemy through the death and resurrection of Christ. So how does the enemy still gain access to our table?
  • Paul writes, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind” (1 Corinthians 10:13). Why does the enemy want us to think that our situation is unique? What is the danger of thinking that our situation is “special” or that we are an “exception”?
  • What are some of the “doors” that God provides to give us a way out when we are tempted? What happens if we pass by those doors?
  • How did the enemy use condemnation in the story of Adam and Eve? How does he use condemnation today against followers of Christ?
  • Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit. What are some of the ways the Holy Spirit convicts people of sin? What typically happens as a result of that conviction?
  • Condemnation comes from the enemy. What are some of the results of giving in to feelings of condemnation? What is the remedy to breaking that cycle?

Session 6

In the Presence of Our Enemies

  • Read chapters 9 & 10 from Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.
  • When have you experienced God’s presence unexpectedly in the midst of a difficult time? How did your awareness of His presence affect your response to the situation?
  • What is the difference between knowing about God and knowing Him on a personal basis? What are some ways that you seek to better know God personally?
  • Why is “lingering” so counterintuitive in today’s world? What would it look like for you to “linger” in God’s presence? What obstacles would you have to overcome to do this?
  • How would you summarize the reason why God puts the table in the presence of your enemies? How does the “location” of this table impact your life and the lives of others?
  • David wrote, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4). What is the impact on others when they witness God showing up in this manner and delivering you from all your fears?
  • David continued, “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame” (Psalm 34:5). How are you staying focused on the King at your table regardless of what is happening around you in your world?